
expect override fun reset()(source)

expect fun reset(newKey: ByteArray)(source)

Resets the Mac and will reinitialize it with the provided key.

This is useful if wanting to zero out the key before de-referencing.

See also



if newKey is empty, or of a length inappropriate for the Mac implementation.

actual fun reset(newKey: ByteArray)(source)

Resets the Mac and will reinitialize it with the provided key.

This is useful if wanting to zero out the key before de-referencing.

See also



if newKey is empty, or of a length inappropriate for the Mac implementation.

actual override fun reset()(source)

actual fun reset(newKey: ByteArray)(source)

Resets the Mac and will reinitialize it with the provided key.

This is useful if wanting to zero out the key before de-referencing.

See also



if newKey is empty, or of a length inappropriate for the Mac implementation.