
expect abstract class Mac : Algorithm, Copyable<Mac> , Resettable, Updatable(source)

Core abstraction for Message Authentication Code implementations.

A MAC provides a way to check the integrity of information transmitted over or stored in an unreliable medium, based on a secret (key). Typically, message authentication codes are used between two parties that share a secret (key) in order to validate information transmitted between these parties.

Implementations of Mac should follow the Java naming guidelines for algorithm which can be found at:

See also

actual abstract class Mac : Mac, Algorithm, Copyable<Mac> , Resettable, Updatable(source)

Core abstraction for Message Authentication Code implementations. Extends Java's javax.crypto.Mac for compatibility.

A MAC provides a way to check the integrity of information transmitted over or stored in an unreliable medium, based on a secret (key). Typically, message authentication codes are used between two parties that share a secret (key) in order to validate information transmitted between these parties.

Implementations of Mac should follow the Java naming guidelines for algorithm which can be found at:

See also



if algorithm is blank

actual abstract class Mac : Algorithm, Copyable<Mac> , Resettable, Updatable(source)

Core abstraction for Message Authentication Code implementations.

A MAC provides a way to check the integrity of information transmitted over or stored in an unreliable medium, based on a secret (key). Typically, message authentication codes are used between two parties that share a secret (key) in order to validate information transmitted between these parties.

Implementations of Mac should follow the Java naming guidelines for algorithm which can be found at:

See also



if algorithm is blank


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protected expect constructor(algorithm: String, engine: Mac.Engine)

Creates a new Mac for the specified parameters.

protected expect constructor(other: Mac)

Creates a new Mac from other, copying its Engine and state.

protected actual constructor(algorithm: String, engine: Mac.Engine)

Creates a new Mac for the specified parameters.

protected actual constructor(other: Mac)

Creates a new Mac from other, copying its Engine and state.

protected actual constructor(algorithm: String, engine: Mac.Engine)

Creates a new Mac for the specified parameters.

protected actual constructor(other: Mac)

Creates a new Mac from other, copying its Engine and state.


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protected expect abstract class Engine : Copyable<Mac.Engine> , Resettable, Updatable

Core abstraction for powering a Mac implementation.

protected actual abstract class Engine : MacSpi, Cloneable, Copyable<Mac.Engine> , Resettable, Updatable

Core abstraction for powering a Mac implementation. Extends Java's MacSpi for compatibility.

protected actual abstract class Engine : Copyable<Mac.Engine> , Resettable, Updatable

Core abstraction for powering a Mac implementation.


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expect override fun algorithm(): String
actual override fun algorithm(): String
actual override fun algorithm(): String
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expect fun clearKey()

Helper function that will call reset with a blank key in order to zero it out.

actual fun clearKey()

Helper function that will call reset with a blank key in order to zero it out.

actual fun clearKey()

Helper function that will call reset with a blank key in order to zero it out.

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expect fun doFinal(): ByteArray

Completes the computation, performing final operations and returning the resultant array of bytes. The Mac is reset afterward.

expect fun doFinal(input: ByteArray): ByteArray

Updates the instance with provided input then completes the computation, performing final operations and returning the resultant array of bytes. The Mac is reset afterward.

actual fun doFinal(): ByteArray

Completes the computation, performing final operations and returning the resultant array of bytes. The Mac is reset afterward.

actual fun doFinal(input: ByteArray): ByteArray

Updates the instance with provided input then completes the computation, performing final operations and returning the resultant array of bytes. The Mac is reset afterward.

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expect fun doFinalInto(dest: ByteArray, destOffset: Int): Int

Completes the computation, performing final operations and placing the resultant bytes into the provided dest array starting at index destOffset. The Mac is reset afterward.

actual fun doFinalInto(dest: ByteArray, destOffset: Int): Int

Completes the computation, performing final operations and placing the resultant bytes into the provided dest array starting at index destOffset. The Mac is reset afterward.

actual fun doFinalInto(dest: ByteArray, destOffset: Int): Int

Completes the computation, performing final operations and placing the resultant bytes into the provided dest array starting at index destOffset. The Mac is reset afterward.

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expect fun macLength(): Int

The number of bytes the implementation returns when doFinal is called.

actual fun macLength(): Int

The number of bytes the implementation returns when doFinal is called.

actual fun macLength(): Int

The number of bytes the implementation returns when doFinal is called.

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expect override fun reset()

expect fun reset(newKey: ByteArray)

Resets the Mac and will reinitialize it with the provided key.

actual fun reset(newKey: ByteArray)

Resets the Mac and will reinitialize it with the provided key.

actual override fun reset()

actual fun reset(newKey: ByteArray)

Resets the Mac and will reinitialize it with the provided key.

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expect override fun update(input: Byte)
expect override fun update(input: ByteArray)
expect override fun update(input: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int)
actual override fun update(input: Byte)
actual override fun update(input: ByteArray)
actual override fun update(input: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int)