
expect val resetOnDoFinal: Boolean(source)

Most Mac.Engine are backed by a Digest, whereby calling reset after doFinal will cause a double reset (because Digest.digest does this inherently). By setting this value to false, Engine.reset will not be called whenever doFinal gets invoked.

NOTE: Implementations taking ownership of the automatic reset functionality by setting this to false must ensure that whatever re-initialization steps were taken in their Engine.reset function body are executed before their doFinal and doFinalInto implementations return.

actual val resetOnDoFinal: Boolean(source)

Most Mac.Engine are backed by a Digest, whereby calling reset after doFinal will cause a double reset (because Digest.digest does this inherently). By setting this value to false, Engine.reset will not be called whenever doFinal gets invoked.

NOTE: Implementations taking ownership of the automatic reset functionality by setting this to false must ensure that whatever re-initialization steps were taken in their Engine.reset function body are executed before their doFinal and doFinalInto implementations return.

actual val resetOnDoFinal: Boolean(source)

Most Mac.Engine are backed by a Digest, whereby calling reset after doFinal will cause a double reset (because Digest.digest does this inherently). By setting this value to false, Engine.reset will not be called whenever doFinal gets invoked.

NOTE: Implementations taking ownership of the automatic reset functionality by setting this to false must ensure that whatever re-initialization steps were taken in their Engine.reset function body are executed before their doFinal and doFinalInto implementations return.